Thursday, 9 October 2014


SR: Kao što sam i rekla.. nastavak sa putovanja u Newcastle. Prije svega, odlučila sam i da pišem na engleskom, da bi me što više ljudi razumelo, tako da se ne iznenadite, naravno oni koji prate moj blog. No, da se vratimo, u današnjem postu pisaću o mom smeštaju, hrani, kako sam provodila dane sem obilazaka znamenitosti..

EN: As I said.. the continuation of the trip to Newcastle. I will write about my apartment in Newcastle, food, how I spent days and other, but expect sightseeing attractions.

SR: Pa, ovo je bila moja soba.. Po meni zadovoljavajuće, baš onako kako sam željela. Više kako neki mali apartman, ali nije, ima spavaću sobu i kupatilo. U spavaćoj sobi sam imala krevet, televizor, police i par vešalica za okačiti kaput.

EN: Well this was my room.. In my opinion, satisfactory, just like as I wanted. Itćs like a small apartment with bedroom and bathroom. In a bedroom I had a bed, a TV, a couple of shelves and hangers to hang your coat.

SR: Kupatilo, veoma uređeno, kao što vidite tuš kabina, toalet, ogledalo..

ENG: Bathroom, very settled, as you can see, shower, toilet, mirror..


SR: Doručak.. nikada nemam dovoljno vremena za doručak, jer mi se uvek žuri za obilascima. Subota ujutro tipično jaje, šolja čaja, cipele i pravac grad!

EN: Breakfast .. I never have enough time for breakfast, because I'm in a hurry. Saturday morning typically egg, a cup of tea, shoes and direction to the city!

SR: Ručak u restoranu. Riba i pomfrit tipično jelo Englezaca. Večerala sam u apartmanu običan sendvič i kasnije muesli. Pogledala film na TV, zaspala nakon umornog dana..

EN: Lunch at the restaurant. Fish and chips typical food of England. I was having dinner in the apartment ordinary sandwich and muesli later. Looked a film at TV and fell asleep after a tired day..


SR: Doručak, ali sada na terasi sa pogledom na grad. Poslednje jutro. Opet jaja, prišut i tost hleb, šolja mleka ovoga puta sa keksom.. Treba mi više snage jer putujem.

ENG: Breakfast, but now on a terrace overlooking the city. Last morning. Again, eggs, ham and toast, a cup of milk this time, with the biscuits.. I need more energy.

SR: Pakovan ručak. Vrijeme je za putovanje.. Avion kreće u 15:15 sa aerodroma. Moram biti spremna pre barem pola sata.. 

ENG: Packed lunch. It is time for the trip.. The plane leaves at 15:15 from the airport. I have to be ready before at least half an hour..

Say bay to the Newcastle!

SR: Komentarišite - Gde ste vi bili na odmoru?

EN: Comment - Where were you on holiday?

thanks, Christinna.xx


  1. Dobar post blog ti je divan :DD
    Nadam se da ces posetiti moj blog i uclanis se ;D

  2. Jooj divne slikeee :) drugi post na mom novom blogu :)

  3. Supeer si

    Pogledaj moj blog

  4. Blago tebii:)
    Na mom blogu je mini zimski haul, posetite moj blog:
